Crystal jewelry online producer right now

Crystal home décor gifts online shopping with LucinaCrystal: We have a variety of life crystals, crystal necklaces and Sanctuary crystal statues to channel powerful energies towards you. Our crystal products are endowed with energy by Talo masters, Feng Shui masters and divination masters to lead luck around you. Improve your lifestyle and manifest the energy you need through us and our products. If you have a special customized service, please contact us, a professional master according to your birth information to choose the most suitable for your life crystal. Read extra info at crystal jewelry shopping.

As with all crystals used for magical purposes, it is useful, (and some would say imperative), to cleanse and clear them on a regular basis to prevent the build up of ‘unwanted energies’. This is a simple process, but at the very least you may want to keep them physically clean so that they always look their best. Propriety cleaners might be damaging to your stones so always avoid them. Most jewellery will benefit from running under a cold water tap (or if you are a traditionalist – then a mountain stream or mineral water). You can dry them off using a soft ‘lint-free’ cloth or just leave them to dry naturally outside.

Benitoite is only mined in one small area of California, near the San Benito River (hence the name), but the mine closed for commercial mining in 2006, making this gemstone yet more scarce. The gem was first identified around 1907 by geologist George Louderback and has a deep-blue color that shows especially interesting qualities when caught under UV light, when it glows fluorescent. The gem was named the official state gemstone of California in 1985 in recognition of the fact that, despite it being found in trace quantities in Arkansas as well as Japan and Australia, California is the only place where it can feasibly be mined. Due to the rarity of discovering a good quality benitoite of a reasonable size, it can fetch huge prices on the open market—a well-cut benitoite stone at over 2 carats can fetch more than $10,000 a carat

Art Sea Glass – Sea glass that originated as art glass glass or was a decorative household item that was broken and discarded into the sea. Art glass can be found on many beaches and is usually a single object cherished by a seaside resident. This type of sea glass is extremely rare .Though found on many beaches, there are 2 beaches in the world, one in California and one in England that yield very different types or Art Sea Glass. The shaping of glass by blowing air through a hollow rod into the center of a molten glass gather. Blown glass does not have seems but may have a pontil scar. Glass is first “gathered” on the pontil or punty while it is molten, then shaped by the glass artist. Glass blowing techniques invented by the Phoenicians on the Syro-Palestinian coast. 23-79 A.D. ~ Ancient Historian Pliny suggests shipwrecked Phoenician sailors accidentally discovered glass making. 1st Century B.C

Jewelry can be given to people of all ages: One of the hardest things about gift shopping is finding something suitable for each age group, and then running from one store to the next. With jewelry, all ages are relevant. From a wee newborn to a senior, jewelry appeals to every generation. When you gift jewelry, you take care of all ages with one gift idea, and possibly just one store.

Choosing to wear turquoise accessories is one of the most effective abilities to connect with the stone’s energy across the day. The bracelet, necklace, or earrings can reinforce the idea of paying attention to one’s health and making decisions and choices that boost overall well-being. Lastly, wearing turquoise as a necklace is incredibly strong because the stone can stay close to the chest, which is one of the regions of the body where this stone works incredibly well. Bringing a piece of turquoise in a pouch or pocket aside from wearing it serves as a potent reminder to optimize health. Allow the stone to be an inspiration to take positive action toward health and wellness goals. Find extra details at