Hurghada diving school

First we will discuss about best diving places in the world, benefits of diving in Hurghada and ending with the introduction of Tauchkurs Hurghada , a diving school that is suited for everyone but especially the german speaking guests.

The Philippines: Not long ago, The Philippines was one of the best kept secrets in diving. With colorful reefs, schools of fish and bucket-list pelagics, the only negative is not having enough time to see it all. Learning to scuba dive in The Philippines can be relatively inexpensive, but you’ll want to read up on Philippines diving to find the right destination for you (some can take awhile to get to).

This place may not be well known by travelers, but it’s a world famous dive destination and the best diving site in Brazil. In recent years Fernando de Noronha has definitely grown in popularity, which isn’t surprising. Here you will find lots of life among the blue waters that circle these islands. You’ll be able to swim with turtles, dolphins, and much more. There is even one of the best wreck sites in the world, the Corveta V 17. Not only is this one of the best dive sites in South America, it’s one of my favorites in the world. Plus, the islands are only allowed to host a limited number of visitors so you won’t be sharing this paradise with lots of other people!

Why Hurghada? For shark-lovers, southerly reefs like Brothers, Daedalus and Elphinstone offer the best chance for swimming with the elusive oceanic whitetip. These magnificent sharks have a reputation for unpredictable behavior, but with the guidance of a knowledgeable​ operator, it is possible to safely encounter them in their own environment. Other megafauna highlights include the dugongs of Abu Dabbab lagoon near Marsa Alam and the friendly spinner dolphins of Samadai Reef. Read extra info on

For our german readers:

Wenn dich das Thema Tauchen interessiert, dann hast du bestimmt auch schon von den verschieden Verbänden wie PADI, SSI, und CMAS gehört. Tauchverbände sind Organisationen die nach verschiedenen Regeln ausbilden und Tauchschulen in der ganzen Welt unterhalten, über die du deine Tauchgänge machen kannst. Bei unserer deutschen Tauchschule in Hurghada erfährst du die Unterschiede, die Vor- bzw. Nachteile und was du mit dem jeweiligen Tauchschein anstellen kannst. Entdecken extra details Schnuppertauchen Hurghada.

Unser Team der Tauchschule Tauchen Hurghada lädt euch ein die atemberaubende Unterwasserwelt des Roten Meeres zu entdecken. Unsere Deutsche Tauchschule steht für erstklassige Erlebnisse und sicheres Tauchen. Wählt euch den für euch passenden Tauchkurs bei Tauchen Hurghada aus und lasst euch von der Magie des Roten Meeres verzaubern. Informiert euch gleich bei Tauchen Hurghada was eure ausgesuchten Kurse beinhalten und zögert nicht euch ein unvergessliches Erlebnis mit uns zu buchen.