EMV Level 3 testing and certifications firm by Fairbit.com

EMV payment training and consultancy firm? Ideally, it’s customer facing and can detect when a chip card is swiped, prompting the customer to insert the card instead. Proper EMV processing protects businesses from bank-initiated chargebacks. Simple enough, right? It’s actually not. Every terminal must go through extensive testing to become EMV certified. Let’s get these levels of EMV certification explained.

EMV Authorization Methods In addition to using the card in the merchant’s terminal to make a purchase, Chip and Signature requires a written signature like magnetic stripe transactions. Chip and PIN is used for debit cards and may also be used for credit cards. See smart card and gold chipped supercomputer.

Chip and PIN Definition. These transactions are often referred to as “Chip and PIN” because PIN entry is required to verify the customer is the genuine cardholder. This is a simplification since the EMV specifications include other cardholder verification methods as well.

Set your strategic payment decisions — leverage Fairbit Research insights and proprietary data assets. Achieve exceptional results — against mission-critical priorities with independent advice and support from our payment industry and solution experts. Embrace digital payment — harness payment knowledge to fuel business growth. Discover additional details at EMV Level 3 testing and certifications company.