Experienced premature ejaculation clinic

Top premature ejaculation medic with MetroMaleClinic in Chennai, India? LEO ( libido, erection, orgasm ) is what men crave for. For most men, it happens automatically. For others it is a Himalayan task if you are on this side of the world. have a deep concern. A 24 year old walks into my clinic and says he is not happy with his erections . “A little premature with the ejaculation doc“! “My penis appears to have shrunken in the last 6 months”. He is in a state of acute depression . Now that’s not even half my concern . I see a prescription that he has and my heart does a somersault. He is put on 100 tablets of Viagra or an equivalent! No matter how much I try, I am unable to fathom this . When you take a pill at 24 yrs you are bound to take them for the rest of your life as these pills have great addiction potential purely for psychological reasons . After this you are hooked and cannot perform without them! And realistically what are the chances that you have a problem which is physical and not psychological?

After orgasm, your muscles relax and your blood pressure drops. Your clitoris might feel particularly sensitive or even painful to touch. You might experience a refractory period, during which you won’t be able to orgasm again. Some people experience multiple orgasms, but that’s not necessary for you to have a pleasurable sexual experience. The most important thing is for you to listen to your body and be comfortable. You might struggle to concentrate on anything else — even if you’re not actually having sex! That’s because sexual stimuli activates certain changes in your brain, inducing certain sex-focused brain activity. However, there’s still a lot we don’t know about how the brain works, including how the brain works during sex.

SinRex pills guides and who should buy a male enhancement pill?? The first oral medication for ED approved by the FDA, Viagra was released by Pfizer in 1998. Today, sildenafil is also sold as a drug for a certain type of high blood pressure in the lungs under the brand name Revatio. How does Viagra work? Viagra works by stopping the chemical reaction that causes blood to leave an erect penis. Viagra blocks cGMP-specific phosphodiesterase type-5 (PDE-5), an enzyme that encourages blood to flow out of the penis. When PDE-5 is inhibited, levels of cGMP remain elevated, which relaxes smooth muscle and encourages blood vessels to widen (a process known as vasodilation). That makes blood flow more freely, including to the penis.

Erectile Dysfunction (also called Impotence or Problem having an erection) is the inability to develop or maintain erection of the penis during sexual activity. It can have psychological consequences. It is a common male disorder usually affecting older men that significantly impacts quality of life and well being. Erectile Dysfunction affects 50% of men older than 60 years of age. Younger men typically report a great degree of bother than older men which leads them to seek treatment at the earliest. Risk factors and co-morbid conditions for cardiac diseases like hypertension, diabetes, hyper-cholesterolemia, work related stress, depression and metabolic syndrome contribute to ED. Lifestyle factors including smoking, obesity and lack of exercise are also significant predictors of ED. Read additional information on erectile dysfunction doctor in Chennai.

A thorough gentle physical examination of the genito urinary system is done. It is important to remember that ED and heart disease share certain comorbidities and hence a thorough evaluation of the heart lungs and abdomen is done. The penis is examined for plaques, curvatures, and the position of the meatal opening. Presence and size of both testis is determined. Features suggestive of hypogonadism(testis size, body hair, voice) are looked for.

Viagra has been fully tested in clinical trials and its safety and efficacy can be assured. You may find cheaper alternatives online that seem too good to be true – that’s because they are. Buying medicines from anything other than a registered pharmacy puts you at risk. The product may be a counterfeit and might not work. It can also be dangerous because illegitimate medicines often include harmful toxins like rat poison. All pharmacies require a prescription approved by a Healthcare Professional which requires a consultation with you. This ensures that Viagra is appropriate for your needs.

Adequate time with patients is key and our sexologists believes that men need to be given time to come out with their problems. Why Metromale Clinic & Fertility Center? Metromale Clinic & Fertility Center, Chennai specializes in men and women’s reproductive and sexual health and is the first of its kind in India in terms of its novel health care concepts. Dr. Karthik Gunasekaran has had extensive training in Laproscopic Surgery, Reproductive Microsurgery, Andrology, Embryology and Sexual Medicine which makes him a holistic physician Sexual Health of men and women. He has trained in the United States with Dr.Paul Turek in Reproductive Medicine/Microsurgery and with Dr.Irwin Goldstein in Sexual Medicine for men and women thereby making him an outstanding sexual health specialist.This advanced training helps him practice scientific evidence based medicine with cutting edge technology. Find additional information at this website.