Protect yourself from online scam guides by MyTrendingStories online platform

MyTrendingStories suggests tricks on avoiding online scams? We are the world (The world of charity scams, that is): How it works: You get an email with an image of a malnourished orphan—from Haiti or another developing nation. “Please give what you can today,” goes the charity’s plea, followed by a request for cash. To speed relief efforts, the email recommends you send a Western Union wire transfer as well as detailed personal information—your address and your Social Security and checking account numbers. What’s really going on: The charity is a scam designed to harvest your cash and banking information. Nothing goes to helping disaster victims. The big picture: The Internet, email, and text messaging have given new life to age-old charity scams. “These cons watch the headlines very closely,” says Durst, and they quickly set up websites and PayPal accounts to take advantage of people’s kindness and sympathy. Durst recalls seeing fake donation websites within days of Michael Jackson’s death, urging fans to contribute to his favorite charities. Natural disasters, too, tend to spawn all sorts of fake charities.

Latest news with MyTrendingStories online publishing: Use Google to research the company. Search by the company name to see what information you can find. (If the company won’t give you a name, don’t bother applying.) Take it one step further and search by “company name scam” to see if you can find information about reported scams. Get the Job Details: If it isn’t listed in the job posting, try to find out if there’s a salary or if you’re paid on commission. Ask how much you’re paid, how often you are paid, and how you are paid. If the company doesn’t pay an hourly rate or a salary, carefully investigate the details. Check with organizations like the Better Business Bureau and the Federal Trade Commission to see if the company has been reported as a scammer. If the company is a fraud, another job seeker may have reported them.

MyTrendingStories anti-scam guides: Despite the misconception that fraudsters target senior citizens, a recent study by the FTC found that more millennials than retirees are now getting scammed out of money online. The Better Business Bureau warns about online fraud happening within social media sites like Facebook and Instagram. It starts with a “friend or relative” who contacts you, claiming that you are entitled to free money. But there’s a catch – they want you to pay upfront for shipping or provide your personal information. Follow these tips to avoid a social media scam: Don’t give out your password (and don’t use the same password for multiple accounts) ; Set your account to private and do not accept friend requests from people you don’t know; Always use a secure network, not public Wi-Fi; Keep apps, browsers, and antivirus software up-to-date. Discover additional details at mytrendingstories scam.

Mytrendingstories teaches how to defeat scams: So what’s the point of final sale items? To ward off return-happy customers. According to e-commerce analytics site Invesp, 30% of products ordered online are returned, compared with 8% of items purchased in-store. Although you don’t want to miss out on a good deal, subscribing to a lot of email lists can mean an overflowing inbox. Sure, promotions have a short shelf life, but there most likely is another one down the pipeline. Instead of getting a case of FOMO about promotions, it’s best to sign up for promotions when you’re in the hunt for something. This way you can give your inbox a break and not be tempted by unnecessary sale items.

What To Do If You Think You’re The Victim Of A Scam: If you suspect that you are a victim of a scam, alert your local sheriff’s department to make a report. Secure all your bank accounts. Call the number on the back of your bank card to explain why you suspect you may be experiencing fraud, and they will walk you through the next steps to take. The faster you act, the more likely you are to resolve the issue. For online victims, change all passwords immediately. Contact the three major credit bureaus to have a fraud alert placed on your account, adding a security freeze. Scams no longer target just the gullible. They still come in letters, texts and calls, but more crooks are now looking online for the chance to get their hands on your hard-earned cash. There are increasingly sophisticated ways scammers try to target YOUR cash. This guide explains what to look out for, how to protect yourself, and what to do if you’re a victim of a scam. See extra information on