Top investing advices

Financial success tips and tricks 2022? Do you want Financial Success? Then generate wealth by investing and create your dream life. H2-INTEL.COM helps you to get financial success with investing know-how and system. Mastering Investments is a 4-week online video course for private investors (educational material). It shows you how to successfully invest from zero. How to invest during WAR. Understand the implications of WAR on commodity markets and find out how good investors position themselves to profit during this period of high uncertainty and high volatility. Discover more info at Harry Hamann.

Personal Fiance, Investing, your Pension, your health care. Take control of your life. Build your own infrastructure. You might not get a pension income or no pension at all (pension crisis, age demographics, low returns). Build your own personal pension, away from government control. If times get tough, you are taken care of that way. Regarding health care: government health insurance might only pay for the essentials or reduce coverage substantially. Build capital as a reserve to access high quality health care when really needed. The point is this: only you care most about you. No one else cares that much. Build your own infrastructure, do not be dependent on other people when it comes to finances.

If you clarify the why for you, the meaning behind your goal, you will apply and execute much better. Knowing (having a plan) is good, doing is more important though. Without the doing, you will not advance further. One more thing: where focus goes, energy flows (Tony Robbins). You can not do 100 things at the same time and expect great results. So, if you decide to learn how to invest and get financial success. Focus on it, go after it, achieve it. One last thought: break down your goals in smaller chunks, otherwise it hard to execute. It is much easier to have a big goal, but just think about the smaller subgoal. You will reach the big goal more easier that way.

I was always interested in finance, especially about investing. Stocks, Bonds, Real Estate, all of it. I started to read books about investing, then tried to learn online through specialized investing courses, and made my first investments. I easily spent more than $25.000 just to learn and improve over the years. All of the courses were great but they just did not teach the basics in a holistic way. Ok, so I saved, invested more in the markets (initially stocks). Find extra info on

Private equity funds are pooled investment vehicles similar to mutual and hedge funds. A private equity firm, known as the “adviser,” pools money invested in the fund by multiple investors and then makes investments on behalf of the fund. Private equity funds often take a controlling interest in an operating company and engage in active management of the company in an effort to bolster its value. Other private equity fund strategies include targeting fast-growing companies or startups. Like a hedge fund, private equity firms tend to focus on long-term investment opportunities of 10 years or more.