Creative team event Singapore and Scent-OSA perfume-making show

Creative team event Singapore and Scent-OSA perfume-making show? The most awesome personalized souvenir from your Singapore visit is a personalized perfume from Scent-osa. Bulbophyllum Vaginatum is a native species of Singapore and they usually flower after a heavy thunderstorm during a hot period. It has faint buy beautiful citrus, almost sweet with a hint of Litchi. In Java fruit of this plant is boiled and applied to relieve ear-ache. According to Ms Eng Soon Teoh’s book, NUS researchers were able to isolate 21 phenanthrenes, dihydrophenanthrenes, bibenzyls, phenanthrofuran and other aromatic compounds. Most of teh 21 compounds were present in several other Orchid variety. But there was a unique complex molecule phenanthro(4,3-b)furan. No one know if this is responsible for its medicinal properties, but most ancient medicinal records from India, China, Africa have mentioned that this Orchid is used for lot of sickness including cough, bronchitis, etc.

Your personalized fragrance is created in front of your eyes, based on a personality test. So Scent-osa perfume is a truly personalized perfume created with essences native to Singapore and Asia.Our quiz helps you understand your own perufme personality- Citrus, Floral, Fresh, Oriental and Woody. Our ingredients also correspond to these 5 categories. The Art Collector – Pure. Elegant & Subtle. Do you like sitting by the fire or visit art galleries on a winter day? Are you a free-spirited and self-assured? Do you know what you want and usually get it? So yes, your are woody! Other people may think you’re stubborn. But you are simply organized and like sticking to plans. You are an amazing friend, deeply compassionate,and infinitely affectionate. You are wise and way more mature than your actual age. The most popular woody or Chypre fragrances in our Perfume Workshop include Oakmoss, Sandalwood, Patchouli and Vetiver. Woody is an ancient perfume family. Ancient Egyptian, Indian, Greeks and Romans were the first to make it. Dry woods are considered tougher, more masculine. Example of these dry chypre notes would be burning cedar or Cambodian Oud. Which makes them all the more commanding and provocative, when worn by a gorgeous young woman. See more information on

Many orchids have been found to have medicinal properties, whether used in drugs, taken due to tonic potential, or used to cure chapped skin and bleeding sores. For example, Salep, a drug made from orchids Orchis Mascula and Orchis Militaris, was once extremely popular in Turkey. It was and is used in the Turkish ice cream bastani. Salep flour was also used in desserts and beverages mainly in the Ottoman empire, and in Syria and Palestine, it is a traditional winter beverage. Another instance is dendrobium, an orchid that is taken because of its tonic potential. Dried Dendrobium is believed to possess medicinal properties that can help treat cancer, strengthen the immune system, and improve eyesight.

You have to keep in mind that there is a strong connection between fragrances and memory. When you smell Singapore Girl your brain connects you with warm, and positive memories such as the smell of your mother or grandmother. Because of the memories, the scent invokes. Who doesn’t remember when Mister Dadi signed these iconic bottles? Ask your parents and grandparents and let them tell you how Singapore Girl Perfume was an important part of their lives. Connecting yourself to these memories is easily obtainable by wearing Singapore Girl Perfume.

Singapore Girl femme fragrance. Perfumes can bring you back to a particular time in your life and opens the doors to wonderful memories. Maybe it was your wedding day, or perhaps it was the perfume your grandmother wore each time you visited. The relationship between scents and emotional memory is quite amazing, and that is why Singapore Memories has a mission to bring back those buried times by resurrecting the Singapore Girl perfume. See additional details on Singapore girl.