Spiritual energy healing advices

Distance energy healing guides? Does Distance Healing Work? The answer to this question is YES! Distance healing works equally as well as an in person healing session. In my practice I love doing the telephone healing sessions because all I have to work with is the energy body. I like this because I am less likely to be distracted by the physical body and often get extremely accurate readings with just as positive results as I do when you come into the office for a session. From a state of altered perception the healer is able to then instantly access information about the client and also instantly “transmit” healing energy to the client. From this vantage point everything, past future and present are all happening at once. All points of information are readily available and the healer only needs to ask to see certain reference points to gain knowledge or to change events and outcomes.

Humankind has always believed in healing at a distance. It is only in recent history that people have questioned its efficacy and have asked the question: How does distant healing work? The short answer is: nobody knows. This might sound alarming at first because the human tendency is to demand to know before they can believe. However, the truth is that we do not know how many things in the Universe work. Just take physics: Quantum Physics still keeps physicists scratching their heads. They know that something is happening, but do not know how and what exactly.

I had the privilege of 3 healing sessions with Laurent and his Team of Celestial Beings. During the sessions I experienced distinct sensations, in particular in areas of chronic pain, i.e. neck and shoulder, hip, etc. After one session, I felt fatigued, after another energized/rejuvenated (even though it was evening when you are typically tired). There was no doubt high vibrational energy work was happening. Discover additional information at Distance Spiritual Healing.

The Hindus call life force energy “prana,” the Hebrews call it “ruah” and the Chinese define it as “chi.” This energy is channelled for hands-on healing or sent remotely to reach your “energy, cells, atoms etc.” which is fundamental to healing the root cause of your conditions. Distant healings can be just as effective as in-person healings. Reiki healing is a form of alternative therapy that may be completed through distance healing. Reiki is also referred to as energy healing that focuses on the energy fields around the body. It was founded by Dr Usui in 1865 when he fasted, meditated, and prayed. On the twenty-first day, he saw ancient Sanskrit symbols. This helped him develop the system of healing he had been struggling to invent which is now known as Reiki.

Laurent draws upon his experiences in a wide range of healing modalities to empower people to expand their life with ease. In 2013 he attended one week SNU Healing course (Spiritualists National Union) covering all aspects of Spiritual Healing at Arthur Findlay College in the UK. Laurent has worked with many people across the globe to help them with emotional and physical well-being. From then on he starts to explore the world of healing and has made it his quest to study numerous modalities that can bring spiritual and physical relief to those in need. Find more information at this website.