High quality freshwater fish diet guides

Freshwater fish tank mates recommendations? Another small fish in our list is a Platy – a small freshwater fish that grows to be only 3 inches. Platies make good companions to other small fishes. They have interesting color patterns that attract many fish breeders. Despite their size, they need to be kept in a big tank, especially if they are kept with other fishes where there is a tendency to be overcrowded. Platies are good jumpers, which means that your tank needs to be covered to keep them from jumping out of the aquarium. They will eat all types of fish food.

If you want your aquarium to have an attractive appearance, and the fish and plants were healthy, you need to take care of it. Although some fish are very good at cleaning the aquarium, a human must still take care of the aquarium. Having an aquarium with freshwater inhabitants at home is a responsible hobby. Many factors affect aquarium pollution: lighting, type of algae, frequency of feeding, number of aquarium inhabitants, presence of putrid bacteria, and more.

There is the aesthetic appeal of keeping a tropical fish tank in your home. You get to design and decorate your own tank and little ecosystem. Keeping a tropical fish tank is an educational learning experience. You’ll learn all about fish biology and the ecosystem that fish live in. Tropical fish don’t eat much and don’t require a lot of money after you set up the aquarium and buy the fish. A small dog or cat will eat about $150 in food a year whereas fish should cost you about $25 a year to feed. Tropical fish are good pets for kids in teaching responsibility at a much reduced cost than it would be to take care of a dog or cat. Keeping tropical fish is a relaxing and enjoyable hobby. Tropical fish can provide you the satisfaction of taking care of a pet without stressing you out over concerns that other pets require. You can leave tropical fish alone during the day, at night, on weekends, or on short trips. Your tropical fish will (usually!) stay put inside the tank where you left them. You don’t have to walk them, wash them, groom them, brush them, take them in for check-ups, clean up after them (or keep your slippers away from them). Read more details on click here.

Another benefit of weekly water changes is allowing you the chance to remove debris and un-eaten food from the aquarium’s sand before it decomposes and turns in to excess nutrients in your aquarium. By siphoning and slowly cleaning parts of your sand bed each week as part of your regular reef maintenance, you will be able to remove these nutrients before they are introduce to the aquarium. This can reduce algae and some cyano from forming. This reduction of nutrients encourages the importance of regular water changes by reducing the nitrates and phosphates before they become a problem, rather than doing large water changes to remove nutrients and algae after they are a problem. Filter socks are responsible for catching food and debris before it gets in to the sump. The downside to this though is that if you don’t change your filter socks regularly, then the waste they catch simply breaks down inside the sock and the nutrients they were designed to prevent are still added to your aquarium. The key to success with filter socks is to replace the filter socks at least every other day. Every day would be better, but this is often not realistic from a time and cost standpoint.